Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dear Solomon, You May Want to Tone it Down a Little...

Dear Solomon,

It’s week one and I’ve been contemplating the first chapter of Proverbs. The way you introduced your compilation of wisdom convinced me that I can use your help. My life has grown more and more complicated over the years. I have three part time jobs, a fledgling business, a family, and a menagerie of animals. I am faced with dozens of choices every day, and I can rattle off my failures more rapidly than I can identify my successes.

Like most parents, I flourished my pom-poms when I read verses 8-9. I am a big fan of children listening to their parents – especially my children listening to me. I decided to APPLY these verses in a new way by identifying instructions and teachings that MY parents passed along to me, and do things THEIR way.

As I took down the outside Christmas decorations, I was careful to coil the extension cords EXACTLY how Dad did it. I also repackaged each item into its original box just the way it came and sealed the box tops. The entire time I heard Dad saying, “Do it right the first time, and you won’t have to do it again.” It felt like Dad was right there with me as I went about my chores. Embarrassed at what he would think, I quickly straightened up my tool shelf in the garage. Seeing the little jars of nuts, bolts, and screws made me think of how often I followed his ways without thinking about it.

Following Mom’s advice, I put myself on kitchen alert. My counters were wiped often, and I snatched dirty dishes out of the sink with a swiftness of a Kung Fu move. My goal – leave no dishes undone at bedtime. It was nice seeing a spotless kitchen first thing in the morning.

When I ran errands on Sunday afternoon, I noticed that the gas gauge had dipped below half a tank. Following Dad’s lead I pulled into a service station even though the “low fuel” light had not yet come on. It was actually pleasant to pump my gas without rushing in the sunshine.

Your analogy of wisdom crying in the public squares, at the gateways of the city, and in the noisy streets inspired me to look for wisdom wherever people gathered. I started at Walmart where I found “Spend less, live better.” That was good advice. On the radio I heard, “Your right thinking sometimes produces right actions; other times it’s right actions that produce right thinking.” I tucked that little gem away to ponder and use later.

I researched advice on television and radio – more public forums. I found Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Suze Orman, Dr. Laura, Dave Ramsey, and Oprah. Each had something wise to say. In the bookstore I found shelves and shelves of advice on all subjects. I accessed advice from Dear Abby, Miss Manners, and the Ex-Ettiquette folks in the local newspapers. You are right, wisdom is EVERYWHERE and she isn’t whispering.

Can I give you a little advice? Consider toning down your personification of wisdom to appeal to today’s audience. People don’t want to be laughed at, mocked, or subjected to a retaliatory snub. Your portrayal of wisdom makes Dr. Laura seem soft. I know you’re trying to warn me about the harshness of the consequences that follow foolish choices, and I appreciate that. (Believe me, I’d rather read about harsh things than experience them.) Anyway, it’s just a thought.

So, that’s my progress on Proverbs 1 so far. It’s hard to believe the first week of the year is almost over. Can’t wait to see what you teach me next week.



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