Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins...

The birds are flying. They've been released from 1 mile out in all four directions and two mile flights began today. They beat me home every time. I put together a short video of their first one-mile drop. We went over to the Afato's house and the kids (Afatos and Rollins) helped us launch the flock. If you have a slow connection, then let the video load by beginning it and then immediately pausing while it loads.

After working so hard, the birds play in the sprinklers and enjoy a refreshing bath.


Brenton said...

Pretty cool, When is your first official bird release gig?

Beth Ward said...

Brenton, I haven't scheduled any gigs yet. I'm getting the business license set up next week and then doing business cards, flyers, price lists, etc... I hope to start showing them off (at cemetaries and churches) in about two weeks. Then I'll have to wait and see. I've offered to do a homecoming release for a jr. midget football game in two weeks.

Thank you for commenting - it made my day!


p.s. 22 is not OLD - I'm almost double your age!

laura said...

Wow! You're such a cool Aunt! I can't believe you let all those kids hold your precious white homers!

Danielbalc said...

I haven't visited your site in a few weeks and I gotta tell you I LOVE the new look. It's very classy.

As for your white homers... WOW! I'm even more impressed. I love it. I'm very proud. I'm so proud in fact that I often tell stories of my crazy aunt and her desire to start a "white dove release" business. Your story is a hit at cocktail parties!

(I'll let the Padres pennant insult slide for now, but just remember whether you miss the playoffs by 10 games or 26 you still miss the playoffs).

Anonymous said...

Beth, what a sight to see thoes kids holding the doves and then Emily shooing the others out.
How many were released?
Have you been chosen for the cruise
or are you still waiting to hear.
